IntroductionThe term peristalsis means clasping and compressing. The peristaltic action occurs in the form of successive waves of involuntary muscular contractions passing along the walls and forcing the contents onward. In physiological situations, the mechanism is found in esophagus, stomach, intestines, small blood vessels, fallopian tube, ureter and gut. The peristaltic mechanism has been attracting the attention of bioengineers because of its importance in living body system and in the design of biomedical instruments such as dialysis machines, open-heart bypass pump machines, artificial lungs and tissues. Several attempts have been made by considering physiological fluids as Newtonian. A few investigations pertaining to peristaltic flow of Newtonian fluids have been reported in [1][2][3][4][5]. Further, some interesting results has been put forward in rheological complex physiological fluids such as blood (Power-law model, Casson model and Herschel -Bulkley model), chyme (Williamson model), bread and white eggs through esophagus (Maxwell model)and urine infection (couple-stress model) to be non-Newtonian during pumping for details, see [6][7][8][9][10][11]. Among non-Newtonian fluids, hyperbolic tangent fluid model characterize the flow behaviour of shear thinning fluids. Nadeem and Akram [12] addressed the peristaltic pumping of a hyperbolic tangent fluid through an asymmetric channel. Nadeem and Maraj [13] studied mathematically the peristaltic motion of a hyperbolic tangent fluid in a curved channel with the help of Homotopic perturbation method. Ali Abbas et al. [14] reported the 3D peristaltic pumping of hyperbolic tangent fluid with flexible walls.Peristaltic flow with temperature and mass transfer effects has been exploited by many authors in order to conduct diverse investigations in biomedical and biomechanical sciences. The Biological heat transfer in a living system include thermal conduction in tissue, metabolic heat generation, burn injuries, fever, perfusion of blood flow and hyperthermia. The biological mass transfer process include glucose diffusion into the cell, absorption of proteins and peptides, liquid diffusion in tissues, drug delivery across absorption barriers. Saravanaet al. [15] analysed mathematically the peristaltic transport of a third grade fluid through an inclined asymmetric channel by taking temperature and concentration effects into account. A few investigations on peristalsis with temperature and concentration effects have been reported in [16][17][18].The influence of magnetic field may be useful to slow down the blood flow in human arterial system, controls the blood flow velocities in surgical procedures. The slip condition proposed by Navier [19] has importance in studying the flow at the fluid-wall interface and it may be more realistic model observed in gastrointestinal tract and in the flow of polymer solutions. Akram and Nadeem [20] addressed the slip effects on peristaltic motion of a hyperbolic tangent fluid model through an