The results of MHD modeling of the formation and collimation of laboratory jets with a toroidal magnetic field are presented. We showed that in the absence of a magnetic field, a significant expansion of the jet occurs in the computational region. In the presence of a strong toroidal magnetic field, the jet expands insignificantly, which confirms the possibility of a magnetic mechanism of collimation of astrophysical jets. The opening angle of the jet cone depends on the magnitude of the magnetic field induction. The larger Bϕ, the smaller the angle of deflection of the flow. For certain values of Bϕ on the detector, the occurrence of ring structures in the density distribution is possible, the characteristics of which depend on the magnitude of the field. The simulation results are compared with the laboratory jets generated in the experiment at the Neodim laser facility and with the previously obtained results of the MHD simulation of the formation of jets in a poloidal magnetic field.