The main goal of the paper is to determine the Weyl matrix balls associated with an arbitrary matricial Schur problem. For the special case of a nondegenerate matricial Schur problem the corresponding matrix balls were computed in [3, part II], [7, parts III and IV], and [4, Sections 3.9 and 5.6]. The case of a degenerate Schur problem was first treated by S. N. Zinenko [22] who used essentially the description of the solution set which was constructed in [3, part IV]. Our computation of the corresponding Weyl matrix balls is based on the approach to the matricial Schur problem developed in [9]. The key instrument is here a distinguished rational matrix function θn which is associated with an arbitrarily given matricial Schur problem. This function θn contains much information on the parameters of the Weyl matrix balls.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 47A57, 30E05; Secondary: 47A56.