Unless otherwise stated, we always assume X is a Banach space, 1 < p, q < oo with l / p + I/? = 1, and (fi, S, fj.) is a positive measure space so that E contains an element with finite positive measure. We use Sx and Bx to denote the unit sphere and the unit ball in X respectively.The asymptotic-norming property (ANP) was introduced by James and Ho [12]. There are three different kinds of asymptotic-norming properties, and each of them implies the Radon-Nikodym property [12]. Ghoussoub and Maurey [3] proved that for separable Banach spaces the asymptotic-norming property is equivalent to the RadonNikodym property. However, in general, it is an open question whether the two properties are equivalent.A set $ in X* is a norming set for X if $ C Bx* and $ norms X, that is, ||x|| = sup/(x) for all x in X. A sequence {x n } is asymptotically normed by $ if for /e* each e > 0, there are TV ^ 1 and / € $ such that f(x n ) > ||x n || -e, for all n ^ N. We say that X has the %-ANP-I (respectively S-ANP-II; or S-ANP-M) if every sequence {x n } in Sx that is asymptotically normed by $ is convergent (respectively has a convergent subsequence; or f] co{xk: k J? n} ^ 0). And we say that (X, || ||) has the ANP-K for K =1, II or III if there is a norming set $ for (X, || ||) such that X has the S-ANP-K. The space X has the ANP-K for K = I, II or III if there is an equivalent norm || || on X such that (X, \\ ||) has the ANP-K.