We investigate the angular distribution of Lyα photons transferring in or emergent from an optically thick medium. Since the evolutions of specific intensity I in the frequency space and the angular space are coupled from each other, we first develop the WENO numerical solver in order to find the time-dependent solutions of the integrodifferential equation of I in the space of frequency and angular simultaneously. We show first that the solutions with the Eddington approximation, which assume I to be linearly dependent on the angular variable µ, yield similar frequency profiles of the photon flux as that without the Eddington approximation. However, the solutions of the µ distribution evolution are significantly different from that given by Eddington approximation. First, the angular distribution of I are found to be substantially dependent on the frequency of photons. For photons with the resonant frequency ν 0 , I contains only a linear term of µ. For photons with frequency at the double peaks of the flux, the µ-distribution is highly anisotropic, in which most photons are in the direction of radial forward. Moreover, either at ν 0 or at the double peaks, the µ distributions actually are independent of the initial µ distribution of photons of the source. This is because the photons with frequency either of ν 0 or of the double peaks have undergone the process of forgetting their initial conditions due to the resonant scattering. We also show that the optically thick medium is a collimator of photons at the double peaks. Photons from the double peaks form a forward beam with very small spread angle.
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ABSTRACTWe investigate the angular distribution of Lyα photons transferring in or emergent from an optically thick medium. Since the evolutions of specific intensity I in the fre-quency space and the angular space are coupled from each other, we first develop the WENO numerical solver in order to find the time-dependent solutions of the integro-differential equation of I in the space of frequency and angular simultaneously. We show first that the solutions with the Eddington approximation, which assume I to be linearly dependent on the angular variable μ, yield similar frequency profiles of the photon flux as that without the Eddington approximation. However, the solutions of the μ distribution evolution are significantly different from that given by Eddington approximation. First, the angular distribution of I are found to be substantially de-pendent on the frequency of photons. For photons with the resonant frequency ν0, I contains only a linear term of μ. For photons with frequency at the double peaks of the flux, the μ-distribution is highly anisotropic, in which most photons are in the direc-tion of radial forward. Moreover, either ...