3The objective of this research is to develop tools that would improve the understanding of the 4 process of levee failure because of erosion and reduce the risk of failure. Hydraulic erosion is a 5 complicated phenomenon and depends on many different parameters. To improve design 6 criteria for levees, embankments, and earthen structures, the development of realistic 7 computer models that can simulate the erosion process is necessary. Verification of these 8 computer simulations, as with any simulation, is a necessity. In this research, a large number 9 of physical levee erosion tests were performed at 1g and at high g's using a geotechnical 10 centrifuge. Centrifuge tests were performed to simulate real (prototype) size levees, and thus 11 to obtain a more realistic model. The erosion was modeled physically in detail. Conventional 12 three-dimensional scanning was used to precisely verify the calculated dimensions of initial 13 and final computer model geometries, but did not yield interim data or measurements of the 14 quantity of eroded soil during the tests. A Kinect device was used to scan and evaluate the 15 volume of eroded soil and variation of the shape of the channels as a function of time. Three-16 dimensional images were obtained, and variations of different parameters were plotted. 17 Various quantities were measured as a function of time. Based on recorded videos and 18 pictures taken during the tests, it was discovered that the Kinect results agreed well with the 19 physical models. The Kinect is a low-cost sensor, and enables the measurement of the rate of 20 soil erosion, which, if done at all, usually requires expensive equipment. The Kinect device was 21 also used in the centrifuge experiments, and functioned well in the high g environment. It is 22 believed to be the first use of a Kinect device in a centrifuge. The application of this method in 23 other laboratory experiments was also investigated. 26 Most geotechnical physical modeling facilities feature a system 27 of image capture and analysis to provide measurements of 28 deformation fields. This paper aims to describe a new technique 29 developed for identifying and characterizing the soil hydraulic 30 erosion process of levees, earthen dams, embankments, and 31 similar structures caused by overtopping incidents. Evaluations 32 have been done for levee overtopping erosion tests performed 33 at 1g and higher g level (centrifuge) conditions but are also 34 applicable in other experiments with different environments. 35 The new technique includes various advances beyond the state-36 of-the-art described previously. With the use of a new and 37 improved apparatus and software systems, improved measure-38 ment performance was achieved. This method provides the 39 capability to measure quantities that were not easy and some-40 times impossible to measure previously. This method results 41 in a step forward in measurement utility: small particle-scale 42 transportation features can be detected, allowing soil deforma-43 tion and erosio...