Problems of the measurement of neutron radiation are discussed in two handbooks.Handbook 72, prepared by Subcommittee M-2(3), deals with the measurement of neutron radiation fields in terms of the physical character¬ istics of the field, such as number flux and energy spectrum. The second report, being prepared by Subcommittee M-3(l) on Measurements of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons and of Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Rays deals with methods of measurement of neutron radiation involving energy ab¬ sorption in matter. This second report is now being pre¬ pared for publication.The treatment of the subject in this Report is quite gen¬ eral. The information may, therefore, be of use in a wide variety of physical and biological problems in areas such as radiobiology, shielding and reactor physics, neutron stand¬ ards, and neutron nuclear physics.The initial preparation of this report was carried out by Task Group (3) of Subcommittee M-2. The Task Group consists of the following members: