In the study, the moment–curvature relations of bridge piers constructed with polypropylene-fiber-reinforced engineered cementitious composite (PP-ECC) and reinforced concrete (RC) at the potential plastic hinge regions were performed experimentally. The bridge pier specimens were subjected to a combination of constant axial vertical loading and reversed cyclic lateral loading. The test variables include the reinforcement stirrup ratio, axial compression ratio, and height of the PP-ECC regions. Strain gauges were installed at the plastic hinge regions to determine the curvature. PP-ECC and RC bridge piers presented similar shapes of moment–curvature hysteretic curve. Regardless of the concrete type for the pier, the maximum moment and curvature were located near the bottom of the pier, which was consistent with the observed failure patterns. As greater peak moments and larger areas of hysteretic curves were observed for PP-ECC piers, this indicated that the use of PP-ECC at the potential plastic hinge regions significantly improved the deformation capacity and damage tolerance of bridge piers. Regarding the design variables, it was found that the axial loading ratio has a negative effect on enhancing the rotation capacity and plastic deformability, while the height of the PP-ECC portion and the amount of reinforcement stirrups displayed the opposite trend. Moreover, the contribution of stirrups in PP-ECC piers was more significant than that of RC ones.