The stationary volumetric elastic modulus (a.) When a plant cell is subjected to a change in water potential (A'2), water will flow across the cell membranes, and the cels will swell or shrink until a new equilibrium is achieved. The extent to which a cell changes in volume is determined by the cell water capacity (C) (9) which is dependent on the cell wall elasticity, intracellular osmotic pressure (Hi), and cell volume (v), i.e. C = A V/A* = V/(E + II). For cells with rigid cell walls, the volumetric elastic modulus (e) is the dominating factor in cell water capacity (9). Knowing the value of e allows us to predict the response of a plant cell to a particular change in water potential.For a particular plant cell e is rarely a constant; it is usually found to increase with increasing turgor pressure (P) (4,14,16,22) and it can be volume-dependent (16,22).The value of e may also depend on whether the cell is swelling or shrinking. Kamiya et al. (17) showed that when pressure in a cell wall tube of Nitellaflexilis was increased in steps and then decreased with the same steps, the volume changes of the wall ' For the giant-celled algae the pressure probe method has generally been used (25). This method measures the apparently instantaneous change in turgor pressure after the cell volume is changed. The calculated e (e = APV/A V) is a measure of the instantaneous elastic response. This value of e has been referred to as the instantaneous e (ai) (24). When cell volume is measured as a function of cell water potential to estimate e (eg. the Scholander Bomb method [4] or the linear displacement transducer method [14]), cell water pntential equilibrium has to be obtained before the measurement of volume is taken. This results in the cell wall being under a different stress and strain for longer periods than for the case of ai measurements. Measurements of e using these methods have been referred to as stationary e values (ae) (24). All available evidence indicates that E. is considerably less than ai (17,24)