samples. Using a HRTEM and high-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM methods combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, we identified remnants of ilmenite lamellae in the vicinity of rutile exsolutions, which were an important indication of the high-T formation of the primary ferrian-ilmenite crystals. Another type of exsolution process was observed in rutile crystals, where hematite precipitates topotaxially exsolved from Fe-rich parts of rutile through intermediate Guinier-Preston zones, characterized by tripling the {101} rutile reflections. Unlike rutile exsolutions in hematite, hematite exsolutions in rutile form {301} R |{030} H equilibrium interfaces. The overall composition of our samples indicates that the ratio between ilmenite and hematite in parent ferrianilmenite crystals was close to Ilm 67 Hem 33 , typical for Fe-Tirich differentiates of mafic magma. The presence of ilmenite lamellae indicates that the primary solid solution passed the miscibility gap at ~900 °C. Subsequent exsolution processes were triggered by surface oxidation of ferrous iron and remobilization of cations within the common oxygen sublattice. Based on nanostructural analysis of the samples, we identified three successive exsolution processes: (1) exsolution of ilmenite lamellae from the primary ferrian-ilmenite crystals, (2) exsolution of rutile lamellae from ilmenite and (3) exsolution of hematite precipitates from Fe-rich rutile lamellae. All observed topotaxial reactions appear to be a combined function of temperature and oxygen fugacity, fO 2 .Keywords Ilmenite · Hematite · Rutile · Topotaxy · Exsolution · Intergrowth · Geothermometer
IntroductionVarious intergrowths of rutile with structurally related minerals are known in nature. They are found in igneous and Abstract Oriented rutile/hematite intergrowths from Mwinilunga in Zambia were investigated by electron microscopy methods in order to resolve the complex sequence of topotaxial reactions. The specimens are composed of up to several-centimeter-large euhedral hematite crystals covered by epitaxially grown reticulated rutile networks. Following a top-down analytical approach, the samples were studied from their macroscopic crystallographic features down to subnanometer-scale analysis of phase compositions and occurring interfaces. Already, a simple morphological analysis indicates that rutile and hematite are met near the �010� R {101} R ||�001� H {110} H orientation relationship. However, a more detailed structural analysis of rutile/hematite interfaces using electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has shown that the actual relationship between the rutile and hosting hematite is in fact �010� R {401} R ||�001� H {170} H . The intergrowth is dictated by the formation of {170} H |{401} R equilibrium interfaces leading to 12 possible directions of rutile exsolution within a hematite matrix and 144 different incidences between the intergrown rutile crystals. Analyzing the potential rutile-rutile interfaces, these could be ...