Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase from the aerobic bacteriumOligotropha carboxidovorans is a carboxydotrophic bacterium capable of aerobic, chemolithoautotrophic growth using CO as a sole source of carbon and energy (1, 2). The key enzyme involved in this facultative metabolism is an air-stable molybdenum-containing CO dehydrogenase (CODH) 2 that catalyzes the oxidation of CO to CO 2 according to Equations 1 and 2,at pH 7. The reducing equivalents obtained from CO are transferred through an electron transfer chain to reduce molecular oxygen. CO 2 thus generated is fixed non-photosynthetically via the pentose phosphate cycle (3, 4) with the following overall reaction stoichiometry in Equation 3. The Mo-containing CODH exhibits significant structural and sequence homologies to xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) and other molybdenum hydroxylases (13). Given the nature of the reaction catalyzed, however, CODH is of interest to gain a better understanding of the general activity of such molybdenum centers in biology. CODH is also of significant environmental interest as it is involved in the clearance of CO from the environment. Aerobic organisms such as O. carboxidovorans have been estimated to remove ϳ2 ϫ 10 8 metric tons of CO from the atmosphere annually (14).Despite some initial confusion about the structure of the active site of CODH, the metal center has recently been established by high resolution x-ray crystallography (6, 7) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (15) to be a binuclear [Cu I SMo VI ] cluster, with the two metal atoms bridged by a -sulfido ligand. A reaction mechanism has been proposed involving the formation of an SCO 2 intermediate, on the basis of the crystal structure of CODH in complex with the inhibitor n-butylisocyanide (7). However, computational studies suggest that such a thiocarbonate intermediate actually leads to a deep minimum on the potential energy surface, making CO 2 release extremely difficult (16,17). In addition, model compound studies suggest that CO oxidation could occur directly at the Cu(I) site, followed by electron transfer to Mo via the electronic delocalization of the Mo(-S)Cu moiety (18). Here, we report a study of the kinetic and spectroscopic properties of CODH to gain better insight into the nature of the active site and the mechanism by which CO is oxidized.