The Hartman-Perdok theory enables one to establish the F forms of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) as (100} and 011 }. Although the 0 kl } forms are theoretically expected to be S faces, they nevertheless exhibit K face characteristics for k <1.The forms {Okl), with k >1, which are typical of the so-called tapering of the ADP crystals, are S faces. The attachment energy of a particular face, which is assumed to be directly proportional to its growth rate, can be computed in an electrostatic point charge model. As the ionic charge distribution in the crystallizing units is not known exactly, the calculations have been made in 36 models, with P-O and N-H bond varying from purely ionic to completely covalent. The theoretical growth forms comprise always the (011 and sometimes (100)~The presence of the latter is a function of the ionic charge of the oxygen, q0, and that of the hydrogen H0 belonging to the [H2P04] group, q~0.The form (100) is present, if -0.9