We consider information aggregation in national and local elections when voters are mobile and might sort themselves into local districts. Using a standard model of private information for voters in elections in combination with a New Economic Geography model, agglomeration occurs for economic reasons whereas voter strati…cation occurs due to political preferences. We compare a national election, where full information equivalence is attained, The authors thank Rod R. Blagojevich for inspiring this work. We are grateful to Yasushi Asako, Stefano Barbieri, Arnab Biswas, John Duggan, Gilles Duranton, Antoine Loeper, Teemu Lyytikäinen, Debraj Ray, Nathan Seegert, Alastair Smith, Razvan Vlaicu, three anonymous referees and the editor, Gianmarco Ottaviano, and seminar audiences at the Public Choice Society meetings in San Antonio, the Wallis Institute at the University of Rochester, and the Econometric Society Winter Meetings in San Diego for helpful comments. We are grateful to the University of Tokyo for …nancial support, but we retain responsibility for any errors.