Background: Nurses are an essential component of health workforce. Therefore rewarding nurses is important to provide better service to the clients. The main purpose was to describe the effect of rewards on the work commitment of nurses at the SMS of National hospital. Objectives: to identify intrinsic and extrinsic rewards cause to the level of work commitment of nurses at SMS of National hospital, to determine the level of work commitment of nurses at SMS of National hospital, to measure the effect of socio-demographic factors on work commitment of nurses at SMS of National hospital and to describe the effect of rewards on work commitment of nurses at SMS of National hospital. Methodology: Descriptive, hospital-based, cross-sectional study design was used. Simple random sampling used to select 384 nurses. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: The mean value for composite intrinsic rewards was 3.34 (SD = 0.57). There is a moderately positive Correlation (r = 0.327, p< 0.000) between intrinsic rewards and the work commitment. The mean value for composite extrinsic rewards was 2.54 (SD = 0.71) and it shows a very weak positive Correlation (r = 0.167, p< 0.002) between extrinsic rewards and work commitment. As Socio-demographic factors, gender (0.016**), age group (0.117*), position (0.114*), working experience at current work place (0.154*), and working section (0.014**) have association with the overall work commitment of nurses. Level of work commitment of nurses was moderate (Mean = 3.13, SD = 0.35). Conclusion: Moderate correlation means, when increases intrinsic rewards, nurses’ work commitment can be increased. Extrinsic rewards also cause to increase the commitment. Socio-demographic factors have an association with overall work commitment. These results help nurse managers to improve existing intrinsic rewards for nurses to enhance work commitment. Nurse Managers should suggest and plan a good reward system for nurses. Further research wants to conduct in government and private hospitals to find out ways to make nurses more committed. Moderate work commitment may be due to inadequate rewards or actually their dedication to the service without expecting rewards. Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0303-4 Full Text: PDF