“…There are also different studies that support our finding that the mushroom model in our research increases the intention to leave job. When these studies are examined; where mushroom management reduces information sharing 50 , leadership, reduce openness, support, cooperation 49 , reduce the performance, motivation and commitment of employees 21 , increase the intention to leave work and work stress 24 , increase organizational cynicism 51 , increase deviant behavior in the organization 52 , Studies show that it reduces information sharing and increases organizational gossip 53 ,In addition, male employees are not given much opportunity to participate in management, but this model does not differ in mushroom management model perception according to the level of training of employees and position in the organization 25 , 84% of managers apply mushroom management, and 87% of employees are subjected to mushroom management 20 and 58% of the participants do not communicate directly with the lower level employees of the management and 2 , one in four out of 2,000 employees leave to job due to mushroom management 19 , business performance decreases when this model is applied intensively 22 , positive external virtuous reporting, negative internal virtuous reporting, and indifference of mushroom management negatively and significantly affects 27 . Mar gives employees the resources they need for the job, but does not share with them the policies, incomes and risks of the business, and employees are not supported to be curious and express themselves 53 .…”