this value with older estimates. However, it is appropiate to make such a comparison with the elaborate calculations of Ahlrichs and Heinzmann [20], who obtain E,(Me,Si= CH3 = 191 kJ/mol. The fact that the "experimental" and the calculated values for the A bond energy are virtually identical is certainly of no great significance for various reasons, one being the different way of defining En, another the uncertainties in the numbers used for the estimation of En. What is important, however, is that theory and experiment agree on a high value for the A bond energy.A similar good agreement exists for the enthalpy of reaction (6) (AH(6)ca,c = -318 kJ/mol vs. AZf(6),,, = -305 kJ/mol;The only apparent disagreement between theory and experiment exists for E,(6) for which Ahlrichs and Heinzmann calculate a value 5 58 kJ/mol for a plane-rectangular approach of the two Me,Si = CH, entities. The analogous "symmetryforbidden" cycloaddition of ethylene becomes formally "allowed" when the reaction path symmetry is reduced from D,, to C,, by a nuclear displacement towards a parallelogram [21]. In the head-to-tail dimerization of Me,Si = CH,, C,, symmetry is maintained even along the rectangular approach, but it might be conceivable that the calculated activation energy would drop to a very small value if the restriction: 4 SiCSi = 4 CSiC = 90" were relaxed.In conclusion one can say that 2-methyl-2-silapropene is a thermodynamically quite stable molecule. Its frequent appearance not only in photochemical and pyrolytic reactions but also in radical disproportionation reactions is therefore understood. On the other hand, despite its high A bond energy, the molecule acts kinetically more like a biradical which is probably due to the high polarisation of the A bond [20].We thank Prof. A. E. Halevi for valuable contributions.