The Al26 and Ti44 contents of 10 iron meteorites were determined by γ‐γ coincidence counting of separated fractions. The Al26 contents, ranging from 0 to 2.70 dpm/kg, were lower by factors of 1.5 to 3 than literature values obtained by β‐counting. This discrepancy is apparently caused by a β‐emitting impurity that interferes in β‐counting but not in the γ‐γ coincidence method. The concentrations of He3, He4, Ne21, Ar36, and Ar38 were determined mass spectrometrically. From the Ne21 and Al26 content of these meteorites, the following cosmic ray exposure ages, in millions of years, were calculated (relative to Norfolk = 600 m.y.): Arispe = 120, Aroos = 1000, Duchesne = 200, Grant = 590, Odessa, 360, Sandia Mountains ≤ 210, Santa Apolonia = 840, Sikhote‐Alin = 320, Treysa = 530. In most cases, these values agree rather well with previously determined K41/K40 and Ar36Cl36 ages. The agreement with the K41/K40 ages, in particular, casts doubt on the notion that the exposure ages of iron meteorites are strongly affected by space erosion. Sandia Mountains and Arispe were found to contain noble gases in anomalous proportions. Apparently both these meteorites contain small amounts of radiogenic or primordial He4. Arispe, moreover, seems to have suffered a secondary breakup some 100 m.y. ago. Except for the observed falls, Aroos, Sikhote‐Alin, and Treysa, none of the above meteorites contained any detectable Ti44 activity. Evidently, the terrestrial ages of these meteorites are long in comparison with the half‐life of Ti44, 48 years. The absence of Ti44 activity in Norfolk shows that it cannot have been associated with a 1907 fireball, as had been previously supposed. Sandia Mountains appears to have a low Al26 activity, possibly due to a terrestrial age of the order of 106 years.