In neonatal and adult animals, modest reduction in brain temperature (2-3°C) during ischemia and hypoxia-ischemia provides partial or complete neuroprotection. One potential mechanism for this effect is a decrease in brain energy (1) and rat pups (2, of ischemia-induced brain injury. For example, modest hypo-3 ) have demonstrated that relatively small reductions in tem-thermia attenuates the extent of brain acidosis during and perature (2-3°C) during brain ischemia or hypoxia-ischemia immediately after brain ischemia in neonatal piglets (4). Modprovides partial neuroprotection. There are multiple mecha-est hypothermia blunts the increase in concentration of excitanisms by which modest hypothermia may modulate the extent tory amino acids in brain extracellular fluid during ischemia in adult rats (5). Another potential benefit of intraischemic hypothermia is preservation of brain ATP. The latter has been Received October 10, 1994; accepted A U~U S~ 3, 1995. confirmed in adult and neonatal animals when temperature is perature also preserve brain ATP. In adult cats and rats,