Despite significant advancements in our knowledge of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, they continue to be underrecognised and undertreated. It is critical that these disorders are taken seriously in children and young people as they are highly prevalent, have a negative impact on educational, social and health functioning, create a risk of ongoing anxiety and other mental health disorders across the life span and are associated with substantial economic burden. Yet very few children with anxiety disorders access evidence-based treatments, and there is an urgent need for widespread implementation of effective interventions. This review aimed to provide an overview of recent research developments that will be relevant to clinicians and policymakers, particularly focusing on the development and maintenance of child anxiety disorders and considerations for assessment and treatment. Given the critical need to increase access to effective support, we hope this review will contribute to driving forward a step change in treatment delivery for children and young people with anxiety disorders and their families.
Key practitioner messages:Assessment of anxiety disorders should routinely involve valid and reliable interview and questionnaire measures of anxiety disorders and other common comorbid problems.Cognitive behaviour therapy is effective for treating anxiety disorders in children and young people. There is currently insufficient evidence for the effectiveness of any other psychological treatment. There is evidence that SSRIs are effective in the short-medium term, but there is a lack of longer-term evaluation.Few children who could benefit receive treatment for anxiety disorders. Brief guided interventions that can be delivered by nonspecialists are effective for some preadolescent children and provide a means to increase access to psychological interventions, potentially within a stepped care model, but less is known about their effectiveness for adolescents. Anxiety disorders in children and young people 637 Areas for future research:Experimental studies to elucidate (cognitive, behavioural, environmental) maintenance mechanisms of anxiety disorders and how they vary across childhood and adolescence and in particular contexts.Sufficiently large treatment studies to examine predictors, mediators and moderators of treatment to help optimise treatment outcomes and support improvements in personalised care.Use of technology to promote engagement, access, integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of treatments. Comparisons of different treatment approaches that are fully powered to detect meaningful clinical differences, with appropriate control conditions (e.g. including placebo where appropriate).Health economic evaluations to enable health services to increase access by offering the most efficient treatment approaches. Implementation research to maximise application and integrity of evidence-based treatments in routine clinical practice.