In this laboratory study, H 2 O ice films of 1 to 2 µm thickness have been used as surrogates for ice particles at atmospherically relevant conditions in a stirred flow reactor (SFR) to measure the kinetics of evaporation and condensation of HCl and H 2 O on crystalline and amorphous HCl hydrates. A multidiagnostic approach has been em-5 ployed using FTIR absorption spectroscopy in transmission to monitor the condensed phase and residual gas mass spectrometry (MS) for the gas phase. An average mass balance ratio between HCl adsorbed onto ice and the quantity of HCl measured using FTIR absorption, (N in −N esc −N ads )/N FTIR = 1.182±0.123 has been obtained. The rate of evaporation R ev (HCl) for crystalline HCl hexahydrate (HCl · 6H 2 O) films and amor-10 phous HCl/H 2 O mixtures has been found to be lower by a factor of 10 to 250 compared to R ev (H 2 O) in the overlapping temperature range 175 to 190 K. Variations of the accommodation coefficient α(HCl) on pure HCl · 6H 2 O up to a factor of 10 have been observed. The kinetic parameters are thermochemically consistent with the corresponding equilibrium vapour pressure. In addition, we propose an extension of the 15 HCl/H 2 O phase diagram of crystalline HCl · 6H 2 O based on the analysis of deconvoluted FTIR spectra of samples outside its known existence area. A brief evaluation of the atmospheric importance of both condensed phases, amorphous HCl/H 2 O and crystalline HCl · 6H 2 O, is performed in favour of the amorphous phase. to as low as 183 K to allow for cloud formation even in the dry stratosphere (Peter, 30766 ACPD Abstract Introduction Conclusions References Tables 20 where X is H, OH, NO, Cl or Br leading to HO x , NO x , ClO x and BrO x catalytic cycles, respectively.The understanding of the interaction of HCl with ice is crucial in order to determine the availability of HCl at the gas-ice condensed phase interface for Reaction (R1) to effectively happen. To this purpose, the HCl/ice system has been extensively stud-25 ied over the years by means of different techniques. Laminar flow tubes and Knudsen 30767
ACPDIn this work we expand on the results of Delval et al. (2003) by measuring the kinetics of HCl and H 2 O interaction on HCl-doped ice substrates whose phase-identity is known, namely HCl hexahydrate or an amorphous HCl/H 2 O mixture, in the temperature range 170-205 K. We also discuss the effect of surface disorder on α and we propose a revision of the phase diagram of the binary HCl/H 2 O system based on the 25 results obtained for the HCl hexahydrate substrates.In order to achieve this we have modified and adapted the reactor used by Delval et al. (2003, 2005) and Chiesa and Rossi (2013) as well as described the HCl and H 2 O interaction with the reactor walls using a Langmuir adsorption isotherm for both H 2 O 30769 ACPD Abstract Introduction Conclusions References Tables 25 bypass has a larger orifice and enables the extension of the pumping rate range from 0.171 to 0.811 s −1 for H 2 O at 315 K. 30770 ACPD Abstract Introduction Conclus...