The subject of study in the paper is to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of objects through the use of information ADS-B. Improving accuracy is achieved, inter alia, by adjusting the radar station. The aim is to develop a method of adjusting the radar station using the technology of automatic dependent monitoring ADS-B. Tasks: analysis of known methods of radar alignment, analysis of factors influencing the accuracy of determining the coordinates of air objects, brief analysis of the capabilities of ADS-B technology, development of a method of radar alignment using ADS-B technology. The methods used are: radar methods, methods for determining the coordinates of air objects, methods of mathematical analysis and differential calculus, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The following results were obtained. The main disadvantages of the known methods of alignment of the radar are identified. Factors influencing the accuracy of determining the coordinates of air objects have been identified. The possibility of using the technology of automatic dependent observation to increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of air objects has been established. A method of adjusting the radar using ADS-B technology has been developed. The main advantages of the proposed method of alignment are determined. The scientific novelty of the results is as follows. Improving the accuracy of alignment of the radar is achieved through the using of ADS-B technology. The advantages of using the proposed method of adjusting the radar are simplification of the alignment process, determination of corrections without removing the radar station from normal operation, the possibility of using as control objects air objects equipped with ADS-B transponders and located in the detection zone of the radar station.