In this paper, we establish global metric properties of a Riemannian submersion π : M n+k → B n for which the fundamental tensors are bounded in norm: |A| ≤ C A , |T | ≤ C T. For example, if B is compact and simply connected, then there exists a constant C = C(B, C A , C T , k) such that for all p ∈ B, d Fp ≤ C • d M , where d Fp denotes the intrinsic distance function on the fiber Fp := π −1 (p), and d M denotes the distance function of M restricted to Fp. When applied to the metric projection π : M → Σ from an open manifold of nonnegative curvature M onto its soul Σ, this property implies that the ideal boundary of M can be determined from a single fiber of the projection. As a second application, we show that there are only finitely many isomorphism types of fiber bundles among the class of Riemannian submersions whose base space and total space both satisfy fixed geometric bounds (volume from below, diameter from above, curvature from above and below).