“…The behaviour of the MORE has previously been modelled and the photocurrent may be expressed by equation 1 where n-number of electrons exchanged, F-Faradays constant, Ds -Diffusion coefficient species S (m 2 s -1 ),[S]concentration of sensitizer (mol m -3 ), [A]concentration of acceptor (mol m -3 ), Ψquantum yield, Iph -Flux of light at electrode surface ((mol photons) m -2 s -1 ), k0, k2pseudo-first-order rate constants (s -1 ), k1secondorder rate constant (m 3 mol -1 s -1 ), xdistance into the solution from and normal to the plane of the electrode surface r (m), t time(S), ε-extinction coefficient at λ. This model makes several assumptions 2,3 including that the gold ring, inner insulator (fibre optic) and outer insulator (epoxy resin) all form part of the same plane.…”