Soil fertility affects the diversity and quality of soil microbes in decomposing organic matter and recycling nutrients. Inceptisols soil is young soil that is starting to develop with its soil fertility status. Management is needed to maximize sustainable soil quality and high plant productivity. Chili plants are widely cultivated but suboptimal soil conditions can inhibit plant growth. Ameliorant materials can be organic or inorganic materials. Ameliorant provides benefits in reducing damage, maintaining nutrients in the soil, increasing the organic nutrient content in the soil and helping microbial symbiosis. The efficiency of nutrient use depends on the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. The effectiveness of nutrient management strategies by combining inorganic and organic nutrient inputs, it is proven that balanced nutrient management can increase plant growth and productivity. Ameliorant can come from organic and inorganic materials which can increase soil fertility from biological and chemical properties, the productivity of chili plants. The materials used as ameliorant are biochar, biosolids, animal waste, microalgae. When cultivating chilies in inceptisol media, it is necessary to apply ameliorant combined with effective essential nutrients, in order to increase chili productivity and contribute to agricultural agriculture.