We show some interesting phenomena in a one-photon micromaser. They include the "ladder" behavior of the average Rabi oscillation angle, the striking resemblances between the change rate of the average Rabi oscillation angle and the normalized photon-number variance of the micromaser field, and the twofold transitions around a degenerate trapping state. Away from any transition, including at trapping states at very low cavity temperatures, the average Rabi oscillation angle is approximately 2 m. short of one or more complete Rabi oscillation cycles. PACS number(s): 42.52. +x, 32.80. -t, 42.50.Dv, 42.50.Lc In recent years, micromasers have been studied both theoretically [1 -7] and experimentally [8,9]. A micromaser is such a device that, at most, one active atom at a time is present inside the cavity and interacts with the cavity field. Each active atom is pumped to the upper transition level before being injected into the micromaser cavity. A micromaser shows several novel features as compared with a laser [10]. They include sub-Poissonian photon statistics [1,2], a series of first-order phase transitions following the usual maser threshold [1], trappingstate resonances [3], collapse and revival [4], subnarrow linewidth [7], and hole and split in the spectral profile of the micromaser [7]. In this paper, we study the behavior of the average Rabi oscillation angle for a one-photon micromaser. The average Rabi oscillation angle that each active atom undergoes within the micromaser cavity is a meaningful physical quantity. It determines directly the probability that an atom emits a photon into the micromaser cavity after passing through the cavity. The behavior of the Rabi oscillation angle, especially its relation with various transitions, reveals some interesting features in the micromaser. They include the "ladder" behavior of the average Rabi oscillation angle, the striking resemblances between the change rate of the average Rabi oscillation angle and the normalized photon-number variance of the micromaser field, and the twofold transitions around a degenerate trapping state. Our analyses start from the formula for the steadystate photon statistics of the one-photon micromaser [1], N, "sin (g~+k )+knb k(i+a, )that each active atom undergoes within the micromaser cavity, and (ii) the normalized standard deviation of the photon distribution, 0 =((n ) -(n ) )' /(n )' (i.e. , the square root of the normalized photon-number variance).Not very low cavity temperatures. It has been shown in Ref.[1] that the average photon number (n ) jumps to a higher value when the micr omaser pump parameter O=gr+N, " is increased passing through 2~, 4m. , or 6m. , etc. Since the probability of adding one photon to the micromaser cavity is approximately sin (4/2), it is interesting to see the behavior of the average Rabi oscillation angle %. In Fig. 1 we plot the Rabi oscillation angle 4 as a function of the pump parameter 0 for 1V,"=500 and nb =0.1. Figure 1 reveals some new features of the transitions around 8 = 2m +( q -1 )b, 8 = ...