We calculate the rates of radiative β − → α − + γ decays for (α, β) = (e, µ), (e, τ ) and (µ, τ ) by taking the unitary gauge in the (3 + n) active-sterile neutrino mixing scheme, and make it clear that constraints on the unitarity of the 3 × 3 Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) matrix U extracted from β − → α − + γ decays in the minimal unitarity violation scheme differ from those obtained in the canonical seesaw mechanism with n heavy Majorana neutrinos by a factor 5/3. In such a natural seesaw case we show that the rates of β − → α − + γ can be used to cleanly and strongly constrain the effective apex of a unitarity polygon, and compare its geometry with the geometry of its three sub-triangles formed by two vectors U αi U * βi and U αj U * βj (for i = j) in the complex plane. We find that the areas of such sub-triangles can be described in terms of the Jarlskog-like invariants of CP violation J ij αβ , and their small differences signify slight unitarity violation of the PMNS matrix U .