Understanding protein−protein interactions is central to our understanding of almost all complex biological processes. Computational tools exploiting rapidly growing genomic databases to characterize protein−protein interactions are urgently needed. Such methods should connect multiple scales from evolutionary conserved interactions between families of homologous proteins, over the identification of specifically interacting proteins in the case of multiple paralogs inside a species, down to the prediction of residues being in physical contact across interaction interfaces. Statistical inference methods detecting residue−residue coevolution have recently triggered considerable progress in using sequence data for quaternary protein structure prediction; they require, however, large joint alignments of homologous protein pairs known to interact. The generation of such alignments is a complex computational task on its own; application of coevolutionary modeling has, in turn, been restricted to proteins without paralogs, or to bacterial systems with the corresponding coding genes being colocalized in operons. Here we show that the direct coupling analysis of residue coevolution can be extended to connect the different scales, and simultaneously to match interacting paralogs, to identify interprotein residue−residue contacts and to discriminate interacting from noninteracting families in a multiprotein system. Our results extend the potential applications of coevolutionary analysis far beyond cases treatable so far.A lmost all biological processes depend on interacting proteins.Understanding protein−protein interactions is therefore key to our understanding of complex biological systems. In this context, at least two questions are of interest: First, the question "who with whom," i.e., which proteins interact; this concerns the networks connecting specific proteins inside one organism, but alsoin the context of this article-the evolutionary perspective of protein−protein interactions, which are conserved across different species. Their coevolution is at the basis of many modern computational techniques for characterizing protein−protein interactions. The second question is the question "how" proteins interact with each other, in particular, which residues are involved in the interaction interfaces, and which residues are in contact across the interfaces. Such knowledge may provide important mechanistic insight into questions related to interaction specificity or competitive interaction with partially shared interfaces.The experimental identification of protein−protein interactions is an arduous task (for reviews, cf. refs. 1 and 2): High-throughput techniques that aim to identify protein−protein interactions in vivo or in vitro are well documented and include large-scale yeast two-hybrid assays and protein affinity mass spectrometry assays. Such large-scale efforts have revealed useful information but are hampered by high false positive and false negative error rates. Structural approaches based on protein cocrystalli...