G~~~~!reSpresents the re~lts of al~ost co~tinuous research by the Ne?raska State than 10 y urv~y on TertIary stratlgraphy InN ebraska during a perIod of more clature. c~i r Ith special attention to the present acceptable stratigraphic nomenas'Vbite If. n reAa~ons are presented for the retention of such well-known names ranking. "L ver , 'Fnkaree, and Ogallala, all now redefined and elevated to group an: CO~deredu~ ark", HLoup Riyer':, "Nebras~a beds", and HRepublican River" ~tiO!l IS noted bSTlhte. The apphca~lon of fos~l seed zones to problems ~f correertlary stratI" h ~ table of TertIary formatIons of Nebraska summarIzes the. . .grap Y In Nebraska. ... SA ('O<"p*,t'3ti,,'p PT(>jt-ct of thl' United States Geological Survey nnd the Consen-stion and Sun-eY Di,,-j,,ion of the rnin'rEity of Xf'hra.!>ka.