Abstract. Aim: Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role in carcinogenesis in numerous cancer-related diseases.We examined the copy number variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and disease-related long-standing inflammation results in increased risk of colitic cancer. The cumulative risks of invasive adenocarcinoma have been shown to be 0.5%, 4.1%, and 6.1% at 10, 20, and 30 years, respectively (1), and colitic cancer, especially the advanced type, determines patient outcomes. Currently, in order to detect dysplastic lesions early, colonoscopy together with random and target biopsies are considered to be the most effective detection option, especially for longstanding UC; however, the characteristics of colitic cancer, such as flat mucosal lesions and widespread distribution, make early detection difficult (2). Another problem with surveillance colonoscopy is its invasiveness and cost effectiveness; therefore, we thought that another modality for the detection of colitic cancer and identification of predictors of patients at high risk was needed.As clinical indicators, the extent and severity of inflammation and the duration of disease have been observed to increase the cumulative risk of dysplasia or invasive colorectal cancer in IBD (3-6). From a molecular perspective, we studied genetic variance in non-neoplastic mucosa. We observed lower DNA copy numbers and lower expression of RUNX3 in non-neoplastic rectal mucosa in cancer-free UC patients (UC-nonCa) than in patients with colitic cancer (UC-Ca) (7). In another study, we identified 20 genes that showed differences in expressions between UC-Ca and UC-nonCa mucosae, and we introduced a prediction model that achieved a markedly high accuracy rate of 83% and negative predictive value of 100% (8). These studies contributed to a better understanding of the genetics of colitic cancer and methods of prediction.Recently, the genetic alteration of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has attracted attention as a target for various diseases. The mitochondrion is a small organelle in cells that plays an important role in the production of energy 713 *These Authors contributed equally to this study.