We treat the nonequilibrium motion of a single impurity atom in a low-temperature single-species Fermi sea, interacting via a contact interaction. In the nonequilibrium regime, the impurity does a superdiffusive geometric random walk where the typical distance traveled grows with time as ∼ t d/(d+1) for the d-dimensional system with d ≥ 2. For nonzero temperature T , this crosses over to diffusive motion at long times with diffusivity D ∼ T −(d−1)/2 . These results apply also to a nonzero concentration of impurity atoms as long as they remain dilute and nondegenerate.PACS numbers: 03.75. Ss, 67.85.Lm, In condensed matter physics, the behavior of a single impurity immersed in a sea of majority particles has been one of the simplest many-body problems and attracted much attention (see, e.g. [1,2]). Especially, transport of an impurity in Bosonic [3] and Fermionic [4,5] quantum liquids has been studied since a few decades ago. Recent realizations of ultra-cold polarized two-component atomic Fermi gases [6][7][8][9][10][11][12], with their remarkable controllability over parameters such as interaction strength and individual populations, have made it possible to directly access this type of quantum many-body system. Meanwhile, there have been a number of theoretical works on the single impurity problem in an ultracold Fermi gas [13][14][15][16][17], investigating the equilibrium and nearequilibrium properties. Quite naturally, transport phenomena have also been studied [18]. More recently, transport experiments of an ultracold mass-balanced polarized Fermi gas [19] and an ultracold mass-imbalanced mixture with unequal populations [20] opened new opportunities to directly investigate nonequilibrium and dynamic properties of population-imbalanced Fermi systems.In this paper, we discuss nonequilibrium transport in the high polarization and low temperature regime, without restricting ourselves within small deviations from equilibrium. As a limiting case of high polarization and low temperature, we first consider a single minority atom moving in a zero-temperature Fermi sea of majority atoms. We find that the impurity does a superdiffusive geometric random walk, where the time between collisions grows in proportion to time, and the impurity loses a fraction of order one of its energy in each collision. InAs is conventional, we call the majority species "up" ↑ and the minority (impurity) species "down" ↓. Note that in the regimes we study in this paper, the statistics of the minority atoms do not enter, so they may equally well be bosons or fermions. Assume the minority atom is initially near the origin in real space, with some probability distribution of its momentum Q ↓ with Q ↓ k F ↑ , where k F ↑ is the Fermi momentum of the majority Fermi sea. The minority atom is "dressed" either as a polaron or as a molecule, with effective mass m * and thus energy E ↓ ≈ 2 Q 2 ↓ 2m * ; we choose the rest energy of the dressed minority atom as its zero of energy. We assume that E ↓ is low enough so that no internal excitations of th...