Solving operational tasks in the planning of road freight transportation requires the transportation organizer to take into account the possible impact of a set of factors on the performance of vehicles: the volume of transportation, transport work performed at the specified time, transportation costs, and the cost of the transportation contract. Modern theoretical and methodological provisions in the field of operational planning of road freight transportation are the basis for the development of a more correct theoretical and practical base for the cost of road transportation. The previously established theoretical dependencies of the impact of technical and operational indicators on the effectiveness of road transport systems of cargo transportation (RTSCT) and the operation of rolling stock do not take into account the specifics of the organizational and legal forms (OLF) of Carriers. The practice of cargo functioning of road transport systems, but also on the complex of organizational factors of the functioning of Carriers. Studies and calculations of possible results of one car on the pendulum route with a return unloaded mileage during the time spent in the duty were carried out using the example of transporting sand by car-dump truck in the city of Omsk, as part of a Carriers with different OLF with the number of cars in the composition of up to 20 units.