An MW 4.5 earthquake took place on September 24, 2019 in the Marmara Sea. Two days after, on September 26, 2019, Marmara region was rattled by an MW5.7 earthquake. With the intention of compiling an ample strong ground motion data set of recordings, we have utilized the stations of Istanbul Earthquake Rapid Response and Early Warning System operated by the Department of Earthquake Engineering of Boğaziçi University and of the National Strong Motion Network operated by AFAD. All together 438 individual records are used to calculate the source parameters of events; namely, corner frequency, radius, rupture area, average source dislocation, source duration and stress drop. Some of these parameters are compared with empirical relationships and discussed extensively. Duration characteristics are analyzed in two steps; first, by making use of the time difference between P-wave and S-wave onsets and then, by considering S-wave durations and significant durations. It is observed that they yield similar trends with global models. PGA, PGV and SA values are compared with three commonly used ground motion prediction models. At distances closer than about 60 km observed intensity measures mostly conform with the GMPE predictions. Beyond 60 km their attenuation is clearly faster than those of GMPEs. Frequency-dependent Q models are developed for both events. Their consistency with existing regional models are confirmed.