This study examined the influence of self-regulatory resource depletion and self-regulatory modes on fashion product purchase intention. Initial research design dealt with differences of the resource depletion effect according to self-regulatory modes. The study used a 2 (self-regulatory resource depletion: depletion/nondepletion) × 2 (regulatory mode: assessment mode/locomotion mode) between-subjects factorial design. Second, the research design empirically analyzed the influence of self-regulatory resource depletion and self-regulatory mode on the fashion product purchase intention by each product group divided by type and involvement of fashion product. The subjects for the initial research were 255 university students in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Daejeon. The subjects for the second research were 873 university students in Seoul and Daejeon. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS statistical package with reliability analysis, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results were as follows. First, assessment-oriented consumers showed low purchase intentions about fashion products when self-regulatory resources were exhausted than when self-regulatory resource were not exhausted. Locomotion-oriented consumers, indicated no differences in purchase intention about fashion products regardless of self-regulatory resource depletion. Second, influences on purchase intention by self-regulatory resource depletion and self-regulatory mode were different according to the fashion product group. The results of this study implied that strategies should be differentiated when establishing a fashion industry marketing strategy according to the self-regulatory resource depletion and selfregulatory mode of consumers.