In our daily lives, the ubiquitous use of soap extends far beyond mere cleanliness, encompassing diverse applications such as dishwashing, laundry, and personal hygiene, enriching our sensory experience and ensuring a safer, more hygienic living and working environment. Contrary to common perception, the genesis of soap cleansers transcends their role in hygiene, representing a multifaceted innovation with historical roots. Despite its crucial role, soap production stands as a relatively understudied facet of ancient chemical innovation, lacking the archaeological imprints found in materials like ceramics or glass. Unlike inorganic materials, soap leaves no tangible archaeological artefacts to chronicle its evolution. Consequently, our understanding of the chemical technology behind soap relies heavily on historical accounts. The Mesopotamian mud tablets, dating back to the third millennium BCE, provide the most precise evidence of early soap production, offering a glimpse into the chemical ingenuity of our ancestors. While the basic combination of plant ashes and tallow could have facilitated soap production even earlier, concrete proof remains elusive. This article presents a comprehensive review encompassing the historical trajectory, chemical intricacies, technological advancements, and varied applications of soap cleansers. By delving into the annals of history and synthesizing contemporary knowledge, we aim to illuminate the intriguing journey of soap, an everyday marvel often taken for granted.