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* Stapel et al, 2010 | Action observation | Mu suppression stronger for extraordinary actions | EEG | 12 months, n = 12 |
* Tunçgenç et al, 2015 | Synchrony | 12 months-old but not 9 months old prefer social character (but not object(that have moved synchronously with them | Behavior | 9 months, n = 41; 12 months, n = 40 |
Upshaw et al, 2016 | Action observation | Mu suppression during observation related to grip strength | EEG | 12 months, n = 12 |
Vacaru et al, 2019 | Mimicry (face) | Spontaneous mimicry of face pictures. Effect of attachment style, not inhibitory control | Behavior, EMG | 3 months, n = 42 |
* Virji‐Babul et al, 2012 | Action observation | Mu suppression when watching videos of reaching, walking or object motion | EEG | 4−11 months, n = 14 |
* Warreyn et al, 2013 | Action observation | Mu suppression for object-directed and mimicked actions | EEG | 18−30, n = 17 |
* Yoo et al, 2015 | Action observation | Mu suppression during observation of grasp-with-tool actions. |