SUMMARY1. Blockage and permeation of divalent cations through channels activated by guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) were studied in membrane patches excised from retinal rods of the tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum by rapidly changing the ionic medium bathing the intracellular side of the excised membrane.2. The Na+ current, observed when 110 mm-NaCl was present on both sides of the membrane patch, was reduced by the addition of 1 mm of the chloride salts of Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ or Mn2+ to the bathing medium. The sequence of blocking potency at + 60 mV was Mg2+ > Mn2+ -Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Sr2+, while at -60 mV it was Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Mn2+ _ Mg2+. For all divalent cations the blocking effect depended, in a complex way, on the membrane potential.3. The blocking effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ increased when the concentration of cyclic GMP was reduced from 100 to 5 ,UM. At -60 mV 1 mM-Ca2+ blocked about 34 % of the Na+ current in the presence of 100 #uM-cyclic GMP, while in the presence of 5/tMcyclic GMP, 1 mM-Ca2+ blocked about 56% of the Na+ current.4. When, in the presence of 100 gm-cyclic GMP, 110 G. COLAMARTINO, A. MENINI AND V. TORRE 7. The concentration of cyclic GMP activating half of the maximal current carried by Mg2L was about 85 JtM. No Mg2" current was observed in the presence of less than 20 1uM-cyclic GMP. A good fit of the experimental data on the dependence of the Mg2+ current upon the concentration of cyclic GMP can be obtained by assuming that the permeation of Mg2+ through the channel requires the binding of three to five molecules of cyclic GMP.8. These results show that blockage and permeation of divalent cations depend on the level of cyclic GMP in a complex way. The permeation sequence of divalent cations through the cyclic GMP-gated channel in excised patches is similar to but not identical to the selectivity sequence of divalent cations through the channel in intact rods.