Raman spectra are reported for C-deuterated glycine ( +H,jS-CDz-COO-) in the form of the dipolar ion dissolved in HzO, and also for the conjugate cation in acid solution, and for the anion in alkaline solution. Similar studies are reported for completely deuterated glycine (+D,X-CD,-COO-) in D20 in all three forms and for ordinary glycine ( +H,S-CH,-COO-) in Hz0. The data were photoelectrically recorded ; quantitative intensity measurements and semiquantitative depolarization values are reported. In confirmation of earlier photographic measurements from this laboratory by Takeda, el al., it is found that the two C-H stretching frequencies of ordinary glycine a t 2975 and 3010 cm.-l, which are sharp and quite distinct in solutions of the cation and dipolar ion, become fused into a single broad band in the anion, and the frequency shift decreases to about 2935 cm.-'. In C-deuterated glycine in HzO the corresponding frequencies lie between 2100 and 2270 cm.-l; there are, however, three distinct peaks instead of two. The downward displacement of the C-H stretching frequencies in the anion, a s compared with the cation or dipolar ion, is similar to the displacement observed in ordinary glycine. Similar relations are observed for the C-D stretching frequencies in C-deuterated glycine in DzO, but there is some overlap between one of the C-D vibrations and the S-11 stretching frequency near 2200 cm.-l t h a t is characteristic of the charged -S D s f group. The frequencies characteristic of the carboxyl group are scarcely affected a t all by ionization of the amino group, or by deuteration of either the amino group or the a-carbon atom.