Various protease inhibitors (PIs) currently are becoming available for treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV). For genotype 1, substitutions at NS3 protease positions 155, 156, and 168 are the main determinants of PI resistance. For other genotypes, similar substitutions were selected during PI treatment but were not characterized systematically. To elucidate the impact of key PI resistance substitutions on genotypes 2 to 6, we engineered the substitutions R155A/E/G/H/K/Q/T, A156G/S/T/V, and D/Q168A/E/ G/H/N/V into HCV recombinants expressing genotype 2 to 6 proteases. We evaluated viral fitness and sensitivity to nine PIs (telaprevir, boceprevir, simeprevir, asunaprevir, vaniprevir, faldaprevir, paritaprevir, deldeprevir, and grazoprevir) in Huh7.5 cells. We found that most variants showed decreased fitness compared to that of the original viruses. Overall, R155K, A156G/S, and D/Q168A/E/H/N/V variants showed the highest fitness; however, genotype 4 position 168 variants showed strong fitness impairment. Most variants tested were resistant to several PIs. Resistance levels varied significantly depending on the specific substitution, genotype, and PI. For telaprevir and boceprevir, specific 155 and 156, but not 168, variants proved resistant. For the remaining PIs, most genotype 2, 4, 5, and 6, but not genotype 3, variants showed various resistance levels. Overall, grazoprevir (MK-5172) had the highest efficacy against original viruses and variants. This is the first comprehensive study revealing the impact of described key PI resistance substitutions on fitness and PI resistance of HCV genotypes 2 to 6. In conclusion, the studied substitutions induced resistance to a panel of clinically relevant PIs, including the newer PIs paritaprevir, deldeprevir, and grazoprevir. We discovered complex patterns of resistance, with the impact of substitutions varying from increased sensitivity to high resistance.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronically infects ϳ150 million people worldwide. Interferon-free treatment regimens based on direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are currently being defined (1). Despite their high efficacy, DAA-resistant variants are expected to develop in 5 to 15% of treated patients and might be spreading in populations (1, 2). The HCV NS3 protease (NS3P) is, in association with cofactor NS4A, essential for HCV replication; furthermore, it inactivates cellular proteins mediating innate antiviral responses (3). NS3P inhibitors (PIs) are expected to be an important component of interferon-free treatment regimens (1). Telaprevir, boceprevir, simeprevir, and paritaprevir have been licensed, while several additional PIs are in the final stages of clinical development (1). For HCV, six epidemiologically important genotypes have been described, differing in ϳ30% of their sequence and in their sensitivity to antivirals (1, 4-7). In Europe and the Americas, genotype 1 is most common, followed by genotypes 2 and 3. However, worldwide, genotypes 4, 5, and 6 cause Ͼ20% of all infections and are spreading beyond their primar...