The cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal domain of AE1, the plasma membrane chloride/bicarbonate exchanger of erythrocytes, contains a binding site for carbonic anhydrase II (CAII). To examine the physiological role of the AE1/CAII interaction, anion exchange activity of transfected HEK293 cells was monitored by following the changes in intracellular pH associated with AE1-mediated bicarbonate transport. AE1-mediated chloride/bicarbonate exchange was reduced 50 -60% by inhibition of endogenous carbonic anhydrase with acetazolamide, which indicates that CAII activity is required for full anion transport activity. AE1 mutants, unable to bind CAII, had significantly lower transport activity than wild-type AE1 (10% of wild-type activity), suggesting that a direct interaction was required. To determine the effect of displacement of endogenous wild-type CAII from its binding site on AE1, AE1-transfected HEK293 cells were co-transfected with cDNA for a functionally inactive CAII mutant, V143Y. AE1 activity was maximally inhibited 61 ؎ 4% in the presence of V143Y CAII. A similar effect of V143Y CAII was found for AE2 and AE3cardiac anion exchanger isoforms. We conclude that the binding of CAII to the AE1 carboxyl-terminus potentiates anion transport activity and allows for maximal transport. The interaction of CAII with AE1 forms a transport metabolon, a membrane protein complex involved in regulation of bicarbonate metabolism and transport.Carbon dioxide, the metabolic end product of oxidative respiration, must be effectively cleared from the human body. CO 2 diffuses out of cells into the blood stream and into erythrocytes, where it is hydrated by cytosolic carbonic anhydrase (CA). 1 The resulting membrane-impermeant HCO 3 Ϫ is exported into the plasma by the plasma membrane Cl Ϫ /HCO 3 Ϫ anion exchanger (AE1), thus increasing the blood capacity for carrying CO 2 . Upon returning to the lungs the process is reversed; HCO 3 Ϫ is transported into the erythrocyte in exchange for Cl Ϫ by AE1 and dehydrated by CA, and the resulting CO 2 diffuses across the erythrocyte and alveolar membranes to be expired from the body. The 5 ϫ 10 4 s Ϫ1 turnover rate of AE1 (1) and the high content of AE1 in the membrane (2) facilitate completion of bicarbonate transport within 50 ms during passage of an erythrocyte through a capillary (3).AE1 is a 911-amino acid polytopic glycoprotein that facilitates the one for one electroneutral exchange of Cl Ϫ for HCO 3