-Ab initio calculations at the SCF level were carried out to compute the polarization potential map (MPP) of the nucleic acid bases: cytosine, thymine, uracil, adedine, and guanine. For this purpose, the Dunning's 9s5p basis set contracted to a split-valence, was selected to perform the calculations. The molecular polarization potential (MPP) at each point was elaluated by the difference between the interaction energy of the molecule with a unit point charge and the molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) at that p2int. MEPS and MPPS for the different molecules were computed with a density of 5 points/A* on the van der Waals surface of each molecule, defined using the van der Waals radii. Due to the symmetry of the molecules, only half the points were computed. The total number of points calculated was 558 for cytosine, 621 for thymine, 526 for uracil, 666 for adenine, have been focused on the properties of the isolated molecules. Thus, a suite of properties for the free bases have been computed in the past, including equilibrium geometries and relative energies of the different tautomers [l-161, electronic properties like charge density 117-191, dipole moments and polarizabilities [201, hydrophobicity profiles [21], pK,'s [221, absorption spectra 1231, and, more re-