An anaerobic, extremely thermophilic, xylanolytic, non-spore-forming bacterium was isolated from a sediment sample taken from Owens Lake, California, and designated strain OLT (T = type strain). Strain OLT had a Gramnegative reaction and occurred as short rods which sometimes formed long chains containing a f e w coccoid cells. It grew a t 50-80 "C, with an optimum a t 75 "C. The pH range for growth was 55-900 with an optimum a t about pH 7.5. When grown on glucose a t optimal conditions, its doubling time was 7-3 h. In addition to glucose, the isolate utilized sucrose, xylose, fructose, ribose, xylan, starch, pectin and cellulose. Yeast extract stimulated growth on carbohydrates but was not obligately required. The end products from glucose fermentation were lactate, acetate, ethanol, H, and CO, . The G+C content of strain OLT was 36.6 mol%. The 165 rDNA sequence analysis indicated that strain OLT was a member of the subdivision containing Gram-positive bacteria with DNA G+C content of less than 55 mol% and clustered with members of the genus Caldicellulosiru~ tor. Because s tra i n OLT is p h y log ene t ica I I y and p he no typ ica I I y different from other members of this genus, it is proposed to designate this isolate Caldicellulosiruptor owensensis sp. nov. Strain OLT is the type strain (= ATCC 7001673.