SUMMARY:The physical properties of bioceramics have made them ideal for a variety of prosthetic devices. Their porous structure allows fibrovascular tissue to invade the implant and secure it and provides a surface for muscular attachment. This process has been well-documented in animal studies; however, this case report describes the periodic imaging changes seen in a 67-year-old man following placement of a bioceramic orbital prosthesis.
Bioceramics have been used in orthopedic and dental prosthetics for decades 1 ; in 2000, they were adapted to orbital prosthetics. Their aluminum oxide components form a cobblestone-appearing microcrystal structure that produces a lightweight, strong, easy-to-use, simple-tomanufacture, and highly porous implant.2 The pores of the implant allow fibrovascular invasion, which secures it within the orbital socket and provides a scaffold for muscular attachment. This process has been documented in animal studies that correlated changes in postcontrast T1 MR imaging with histologic samples demonstrating fibrovascular ingrowth. [2][3][4][5][6] This report documents similar changes seen in a patient following right-sided enucleation and bioceramic prosthetic implantation.
Case ReportA 67-year-old man presented with chronic decreased visual acuity. A pigmented lesion, suspicious for melanoma versus choroidal nevus, was identified in the right eye. The lesion was followed with serial sonography for 9 years until its growth rate precluded the diagnosis of choroidal nevus. He then underwent right enucleation and bioceramic prosthetic implantation. Pathologic specimens confirmed the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Lumbar punctures and imaging studies failed to demonstrate metastatic disease. Serial MR imaging studies with T1 spin-echo (TR, 400 ms; TE, 15 ms; 3-mm axial sections), T2 turbo spin-echo with fat saturation (TR, 5410 ms; TE, 100 ms; echo train of 21; 3-mm axial sections), and postcontrast T1 spinecho with fat saturation (TR, 675 ms; TE, 15 ms; 3-mm axial sections following administration of gadobenate dimeglumines [MultiHance, 1 mL/5 kg; Bracco, Milan, Italy]) were performed on a 1.5T magnet to evaluate the implant and assess disease recurrence. At 20 months after implantation, he is complication-and disease-free, and the prosthesis is well-incorporated clinically and on follow-up MR imaging (Fig 1).
DiscussionFibrovascularization of orbital prosthetics secures them within the orbit and provides a surface for muscular attachment. This integral process has been examined in numerous animal models. These studies uniformly describe central T1 postcontrast enhancement, which coincides with histopathologic evidence of fibrovascularization. [2][3][4][5][6]