Internal regulatory documents of the medical organization reflecting the calculation of incentive payments and a personalized assessment of the quality of dental care were analyzed. It is found that until now the new system of wage payment has not solved the problem of stimulating dental care professionals depending on the results of their work and needs to be changed. The applied criteria of quality assessment and the intensity of labor must have measurable parameters that exclude subjective appraisal; the integrative coefficient of labor quality must be created. A transparent mechanism of wage payment is also needed in order to motivate staff highly to achieve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of labor that are incorporated in it by the medical organization authority and are related with their work goals. Every criterion outlined in the 'Regulation on Inner Control of the Quality and Safety of Dental Care' should reflect the intensity and quality of dental services and correspond with the criteria of the incentive premiums calculation, that have been prescribed in the 'Wage payment regulations'.