Abstract. Grain size, bulk density (or porosity), therma.1 conductivity, and rock abundance all play an important role in the therrnal behavior of the lunar surface. Direct investigation of these properties of the lunar surface layer is not presently possible, xvith the exception of the samples returned frorn the Apollo landing sites. An indirect measurement of lunar surface properties may be possible using remote thermal infrared observations. In order to better understand the interplay between these properties, a diurnal thermal model for the lunar surface and near subsurface with temperature-dependent specific heat and thermal conductivity was developed. The inclusion of the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity and specific heat was found to be essential when attempting to derive regolith properties of the Moon due to the la.rge difference in surface tempera.tures between day and night. Although pa, rticle size, bulk density, and thermal conductivity cannot be investigated completely independently, a clear relationship between these parameters, and their effects on luna,r surface tempera, tures, is determined. An increase i•t the bulk density of the regolith is found to correspond to an increase in the nighttime telnperature of the surface. Simila, rly an increase in the rock fi'action also raises the predicted nighttime temperatures. Inctea. sing gra,in sizes correspond to decreasing nighttime temperatures. No unique set of surfa, ce properties ca, n be determined from thermal remote sensing mea.surements alone. Grain size is the most difficult regolith property to determine remotely, and rock abundance is by fa,r the strongest contributor to the derived thermal inertia of the bulk surfa, ce.