We study the graph isomorphism game that arises in quantum information theory from the perspective of bigalois extensions of compact quantum groups. We show that every algebraic quantum isomorphism between a pair of (quantum) graphs X and Y arises as a quotient of a certain measured bigalois extension for the quantum automorphism groups G X and G Y of the graphs X and Y . In particular, this implies that the quantum groups G X and G Y are monoidally equivalent. We also establish a converse to this result, which says that every compact quantum group G monoidally equivalent to G X is of the form G Y for a suitably chosen quantum graph Y that is quantum isomorphic to X. As an application of these results, we deduce that the * -algebraic, C * -algebraic, and quantum commuting (qc) notions of a quantum isomorphism between classical graphs X and Y all coincide. Using the notion of equivalence for non-local games, we deduce the same result for other synchronous non-local games, including the synBCS game and certain related graph homomorphism games. Universiteit Leuven, mateusz.wasilewski@kuleuven.be 2. Conversely, for any compact quantum group G monoidally equivalent to G X , one can construct from this monoidal equivalence a quantum graph Y , an isomorphism of quantum groups G ∼ = G Y , and an algebraic quantum isomorphism X ∼ = A * Y .Recasting all of the above in the context of the (classical) graph isomorphism game, our results show that the condition A(Iso(X, Y )) = 0 is sufficient to ensure the existence of perfect quantum strategies for this game (Corollary 4.8 and Theorem 4.9):Theorem Two classical graphs X and Y are algebraically quantum isomorphic if and only if the graph isomorphism game has a perfect quantum-commuting (qc)-strategy.We mention that a weaker version of the above theorem (that assumed the existence of a non-zero C * -algebra representation of A(Iso(X, Y ))) was recently proved in [18].