A B S T R A C T These studies were carried out to investigate the mechanism of neutralization of purified Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) simplex I (HSV-1) absorbed the EBV ELISA reactivity and EBV-neutralizing activity of nonimmune sera, whereas another member of the herpesvirus group, cytomegalovirus, was inactive in this regard. HSV-1 was quantitatively more efficient than EBV in absorbing reactivity, a finding that indicates that the antibody has a higher affinity for HSV-1 than for EBV. Further absorption studies indicated that the cross-reaction occurred in both directions as EBV also absorbed HSV-1 reactive antibodies as tested in an HSV-1 ELISA. EBV was also less efficient than HSV-1 in absorbing reactivity with HSV-1. A serum lacking detectable antibodies.to both EBV and HSV-1 failed to neutralize EBV. These studies cumulatively indicate that fresh serum from EBV nonimmune individuals neutralizes EBV by the combined action of a previously undescribed cross-reacting antibody apparently elicited by HSV-1 and Cl, C4, C2, and C3 of the classical complement pathway.