I thank you for your comments, based on which I have tried to improve on this dissertation summary. I also wish to thank The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liitto SKTL ry), Translation Industry Professionals (Käännösalan asiantuntijat KAJ ry) and Akava Special Branches (Akavan Erityisalat ry) for supporting this work by providing me travel grants to various conferences both in Finland and abroad. Participating in such conferences has allowed me to build networks with translators and their researchers, which in turn greatly furthered this work. My dear colleagues Kathleen Moore and Roger Luke in Tampere and Stuart von Wolff in Joensuu, as well as my daughter Josephine Abdallah-Miraglia in Florida-thank you so much for being my language consultants and article proofreaders. Stuart, thanks for reading and correcting the dissertation summary and providing me with useful ideas to improve on it. I also thank Laura Sobon for translating into English my Finnishlanguage article 'Tekstittämisen laatu-mitä se oikein on?'. And my dearest friend and the sister that I never had, Kaarina Kada, deserves my warmest gratitude. Throughout these past seven years, and even long before that, she has been the surrogate mother of my youngest son Michael and the untiring minder of our dog when I was away at conferences or trying to write at the weekend. Truly, a friend in need is a friend indeed. And finally, I want to thank my family. I thank my 84-year-old mother, Liisa Perjola, and my late father, Georg Perjola, for supporting my early scholarly endeavours. I only wish my father could have been here to share this day with us. But my fondest possible thanks are reserved for my three children and my son-in-law William. Thank you, Johnny, for taking care of the house and your little brother while I, for the past three years, have been an absent mother for weeks on end while working in Joensuu and more recently in Vaasa. And Michael-thanks for putting up with a mother, who was all-too-often preoccupied with her books and papers and whose thoughts were sometimes a million miles away. Josephine and William, thanks for being there for us. Even if separated physically by an ocean, you are always in our hearts and within Skype's reach. Josephine, Johnny and Michael, without your love, nothing else matters. This work is dedicated to the three of you.