Quantum effects, which become dominant at the nano-and molecular scales, are critically important for optical fiber connections and optical devices and systems, which are immune to electromagnetic interference. Optical nanodevices such as nanorobots, nanomotors and plane parallel elements of optical nanosystems subject to the Casimir force which may lead to uncontrolled changes in the optical properties and data transmission errors. In this work, we investigate the impact of the Casimir force on individual components of optical systems and determine the extent at which it affects charge distributions and orbital energies and leads to excited states causing considerable variations in the optical properties. Numerical simulations were carried out using a mathematical model, which based on LCAO and a numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation using the Hartree-Fock method, with the Casimir force being included in the operators of exchange interactions for the nuclei and electrons. Computational experiments were performed for the main components of glass surfaces, such as SiO2, Na2CO3 and CaO. We found that the strongest effect of Casimir force in the case of SiO2 and the foil surface, while Na2CO3 is the least sensitive to the Casimir force, with CaO being in between the former two. Acrylic and polystyrene surfaces showed a similar smaller effect on the system energy compared to foil Cases, in which the Casimir force can lead to significant variations in optical properties and data transmission errors, were studied and its use in the design and calibration of optical devices with controlled properties was explored.