Let χ be a finite Borel measure on [0,1] d . Consider the L q -spectrum of χ: τχ(q) = lim infn→∞ −nwhere Gn is the set of b-adic cubes of generation n. Let qτ = inf{q : τχ(q) = 0} andWhen χ is purely discontinuous, its information dimension is D = 0, but the non-trivial pair (qτ , Hτ ) may contain relevant information on the distribution of χ. The connection between (qτ , Hτ ) and the large deviations spectrum of χ is studied in a companion paper. This paper shows that when a discontinuous measure χ possesses self-similarity properties, the pair (qτ , Hτ ) may store the main multifractal properties of χ, in particular the Hausdorff spectrum. This is observed thanks to a threshold performed on χ.
Introduction and statements of resultsIn a companion paper [5], we introduced new information parameters associated with any positive Borel measure χ on [0,1] d . Let us recall their definitions. Let b ≥ 2 be an integer and let G n be the partition of [0,1]