We improve the Bennett-Carbery-Tao trilinear restriction estimate for subsets of the paraboloid in three dimensions, giving the sharp factor depending on the transversality.
IntroductionLet S ⊂ R 3 be a smooth, compact surface with positive definite second fundamental form, and endowed with its canonical measure dσ. We write R * for the extension operator,acting over functions f ∈ S(R 2 ). Stein's restriction conjecture asserts thatThe conjecture with d = 2 was resolved by Fefferman [20] (see also [47]). In higher dimensions it remains open, but several partial results have been obtained: Tomas [41], Stein [34], Bourgain [14], Wolff [43], Moyua-Vargas-Vega [29], [30], Tao-Vargas-Vega [38], Tao-Vargas [39], [40], Tao [37], Bourgain-Guth [17] and Guth [23]. For references regarding the conical and the indefinite case, see [35], [2], [12], [13], [45], [27] and [42]. We suggest [36] for a nice introduction on the subject. Some of these results were achieved thanks to bilinear techniques. In [37], Tao proved the sharp bilinear estimate, so improvements employing these techniques were exhausted. In [5], Bennett introduced the multilinear estimates, and in [10], Bennett-Carbery-Tao proved the sharp, up to the endpoint, estimate. In three dimensions it reads as follows: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.